Day 13 of the Galloway Picts Project. Another day of glorious weather on top of the hill but the last day of excavating, and everyone is feeling a little sad that the excavation has drawn to an end. We are all so pleased though, that it has turned out so well, with so much discovered. In the last few days we found another pottery sherd, identified as 7th century E-Ware from Gaul, which is further evidence that Trusty’s Hillfort was an important site in Dark Age Scotland. We have also found crucible fragments, evidence of high quality metalworking on the site, and decorative metalwork itself, in the form of two iron pins and a possible Anglo-Saxon Disc Brooch. The most exciting finds today were a fragment of a mould, the cruciate design on it very clear, and what we think may be a bear claw! There have been many visitors to the site, including an MSP, and it was wonderful to be able to share with them the pleasure and pride, felt by all the volunteers, at what we have discovered about this enigmatic site. Francis
1st June